While everyone is jingling along their life paths, they will be thinking on gift giving, gift receiving, and maybe even whats going to be on the menu for that Christmas dinner. Thoughts on family may occupy your mind, the lack there of, or the wish that you had one..
Whatever the case, hear me now. Your family is who loves you. Your family calls you regularly, just to check up on you, sends an occasional whats up text.. Your family welcomes you into their home, and offers you shelter in times of need. If the people sharing your DNA are unwilling to accept or love you as you are then... they are not family.
Observe, humankind shares 99% of genes... Yes, thats the entirety of the human race. There are only a few minor genes to detect who is technically more closely related, but that is all. Do you understand what I am trying to tell you sisters?
If you do not have the family you want, you can MAKE that family. A group of people close to you that bond in times of crisis and share in times of need. You can be that family for others.. Just remember, don't give out more than you can. Always think of yourself, even as you think of others. It's a matter of survival.
So, celebrate, enjoy your life, find the happiness that lives inside. Connect with the inner kid that loved shining lights and winking stars.. make that kid smile, just for you.
You deserve it.
Give me your tears
your sorrows, your fears
give me the smile that flits across your face...
when you dream
open up the hollowed husk of creativity and...
set it free
Give me your graffiti, plastered on the walls
the winking diamonds in the halls..
of your mind...
give me your laughter, you jeers, your joy!
raise up your voice!
fill the empty
I know you see it, I know you know it is there!
I know the empty, see it reflected, millisecond by fractal millisecond..
in the hearts and eyes of strangers...
do you know what it is?
do you know what is lost?
It is the voice inside us, that hums as one
the commonality that makes us family
Look into her eyes! Look into his eyes!
It was taken from us as children...
painted over by pictures and images fed to our hungry hearts and minds..
coated in that inky, sticky substance known as insecurity.
The face that isn't our own true visage...
but a hollowed reflection of what is to be...
If we do not seize the day and make the change.
So... give me your sweat, your grime your misery
siphon off your murky sticky mentalities
and in the heart of the sun-bleached tar coating your inner core...
burst forth the light!
Accept nothing less than the perfect representation of you!
We need you!
Not the carbon copies you present to the world, but the true, gritty face of your aching soul.
That is your heart.
Give me your terracotta face, so we can smash it into tiny pieces.
Give me your flimsy shirts, so we can rip them in twain.
Sew together a better tapestry...
Sturdy, solid... true.
YOUR truth.. is OUR truth...
And it is the only way to be free.
Let go...
Lend me your voice
and let loose the chains
Bring back hope
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