Thursday, December 31, 2015


It is my experience that the nature of prejudice is stemmed from ignorance. I admit, that as a woman from a multiracial background I have historically found personal offense to all forms of prejudice or racism. It is only through education that I have learned to put aside my anger and resentment in order to make an effort toward positive change. In this case, educating the less enlightened has become my calling. It isn’t easy as some bigotry cannot be conquered in the hearts of others. That requires a willingness to learn, which is an active decision for both parties involved. An example I give of my personal experience involves a discussion in the classroom when I was attending junior college.
It started in this way. We were discussing the reasoning behind affirmative action in a government class. I saw through the corner of my eye a young man who raised his hand and stated the following words “I don’t see why we even have it, slavery happened so long ago. It has nothing to do with me”. I confess my personal irritation rose like a fire inside my chest, but I knew better than to respond with anger. It is far better to respond with calm logic and reasoning. So I raised my hand and responded calmly. This is what I said “if you take a people from their home to lands they know nothing about, then refuse to educate them beyond basic language functions, you are crippling them. Then, if you then continue with three hundred years of lesser educational opportunities, lack of qualifying textbooks, and racial segregation designed in favor of the other what you have then is generations of people who were purposefully held back from society.  Affirmative action is designed to even the playing field and while some people complain that it takes positions from other qualifying students, it is nothing compared to hundreds of years of having education flat out denied”. What followed was a discussion where it was revealed that there are still some resentments that time has not healed. The class came to the conclusion that even though slavery and the civil rights movement happened before many of us were born it was still relevant history. We are still overcoming former failings not as white, black, Native American or Hispanic people, but as a nation of people wanting to see change for the better.

Perhaps my way in combating prejudice is not all that creative. My way is simple. I consider where would be oppressor’s anger or ignorance is stemming from. Is it lack of knowledge or a personal feeling of hurt, inadequacy or failure? I choose to respond with less anger and rely on my reasoning. At times I get no headway with that individual, but I do tend to win the agreements of others. It is not so important to change the minds of a select few who cannot look past their personal feelings in order to see a bigger picture. It is more important to prevent the corrupting of minds by instilling a strong respect for the diversity of this world through education. In short it is important to lead by example. If I provide an ‘other’, then I can’t be classified into one role or space. An intelligent person is then challenged to think that if there is an other than ‘what if?’ If I have inspired that, then I consider it a win. 

Saturday, December 19, 2015

In the feels

  1. 1.
    an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law.

  2. My greatest sin is not allowing myself to sin...
    Mental illness, used to be treated like a hapless, cursed disease. The wilder a person is, the more wretched they become. Depression? I am not sure most even believe it still exists. Maya Angelou wrote in her book, "I know why the caged bird Sings" that she was referred to often as 'tender hearted'. Having a soft, malleable soul is like an affliction. So perhaps it is aptly put. 
    I am easily moved by the suffering of others. 
    Isn't that a thing? Sorrow seems so out of the proper element of things. Misery and pain. I cannot help but to feel moved by the suffering of another. So much so that I have forced myself to become numb. 
    The Dali Lama said "happiness is the natural state of human existence". Not in those exact words but, if we are meant to be happy then all things that makes us sad is unnatural to our normal way of flowing being. We are SUPPOSED to be in a constant state of happiness. According to this thought, but because we are moved by external elements, we cannot escape the tendency to sway toward misery. Yet, we continue to seek out the joys in life in hopes of combating with the sorrows. 

    I was coming to the third grade when I first thought of dying. I thought of it as, a blissful relief from the elements I could not control around me. 
    How she raged, my mother. With the passion of a person who is mentally ill. With the hurt of a person who was deeply wronged. As she raged, I became contained, shrinking under the tempest. Cowering in the storm. 
    As I passed from child to adolescence, I contented myself with the knowledge that someday, someday I could grow up and move off on my own. I could make a family that was not broken. I could mold the outcome... 
    I neglected to understand one valuable piece of knowledge. That is, you can move, you can change your name and even become a different person. This is normal to change. However what you can't do is erase the voices in your head permanently. 
    You must live with them. As they shaped you, you must then shape them. You must do this diligently so you can have those moments. Those precious moments where you are in a natural state of bliss. 

    1. 1.
      the action or practice of inflicting severe pain on someone as a punishment or to force them to do or say something, or for the pleasure of the person inflicting the pain.
    I think it is time to say that enough is enough. I have tortured myself. Over and over. I have forced food into my body to try and hold off the pain. I have denied my body food to try and starve the pain. I've told myself my feelings are insignificant, that my suffering is not valid, thus, I did not give myself even the slightest acknowledgement.... I have not allowed myself to really feel. 
    Because it makes people uncomfortable. Because I have cared for THEM more than me. Yet, it has only bought me alienation. It's done the exact opposite of what I wanted it to do. 
    1. 1.
      an intense feeling of deep affection.
    I know what love is. It is not easily manipulated. It is not easily won or lost. Yet, this pithy definition is but the tip of it. 
    I've waited so patiently to be showed I am worth loving. You cannot convince a brick wall that it is alive. In this way, the old hurts, the past dramas and all the broken links are instances of times when I have willingly gone into that unnatural state of misery, in the hopes of finding something that I always had.
    I have the love inside of me. For so many sometimes it seems it might burst from my chest and wash the world in pink and purple.
    It does not make me miserable. It makes me nostalgic. It makes me emotional.
    What makes me miserable is when the connection becomes lost and I do not see my love reflecting.
    But this is a problem that many have. In this age of misunderstanding. In this age of texts, phone calls and video chat. IN this age where contact is seldom and when it occurs it is so fleeting that it is more like butterfly wings brushing the hem of your shirt... I need a fucking hug. I need to lay in bed with an arm around me and fingers brushing my hair. I NEED to touch.
    I'll keep waiting patiently...